Thursday, July 26, 2012

Using Acupressure to ease anxiety and fear

This is my self-help tip is for people with negativity, discomfort, or specific negative emotions such as fear, grief, etc. I know it helps with activities or belief that hold you back from your full potential. Feel free to use it on or with any situation, memory or image that gives you anxiety or/and fear in some way.

Tapping the kidney meridian points or the Master Acupressure Points K27
These are the 27th and last points of the kidney meridians. You can find them by place your fingertips in the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone, then move your fingers out to each side and down about an inch. [More Info. Here]

Start gently tapping the kidney points to get the energy flowing.

Add an affirmation for example:
“I love and accept myself, even with my fears. I let my fears go now, and decide instead for trust and happiness!” [More Info. Here]

Keep tapping and take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Fit & Healthy Lifestyle Tips by Rita Harrison (c) 2012

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