Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Get Fast Relief For Jaw Tension

Over Sixty million Americans have Jaw Tension or TMJ Syndrome

Rita Harrison the developer of the Willow System demonstrates an easy technique that anyone can do to help relieve jaw tension and pain.

Just take the time to massage your chewing muscles known as the muscles of mastication or masticatory muscles and you will get relief from the consequences of Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) at night, headache, toothache and stress.

Monday, March 18, 2013

How To Dispense With Anger And Frustration

Fusing Meridian And Chakra Work

This tip starts by treating your gall bladder meridian points (GB1) that are next to your eyes in order to get rid of anger and protect yourself against frustration.

It then stimulates your thymus chakra that is located in the upper chest, just above and to the right of the heart chakra. This chakra is the seat of the soul and is the bridge between your emotions and your intellect.

www.willow4u.com (c) 2013 Rita Harrison

Monday, March 11, 2013

Changing Your Life By Changing Your Focus

Changing your focus when dealing with a relationship, divorce, separation or death, being single again, or starting out on a new healing journey will work better if you try something new.

"Sometimes it better to let things go even if it hurts like hell."
-Author Unknown

Here's a Simple Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Life Goals
See It as a process of diverting your scattered forces into a powerful channel and start changing your life for the better. Make it your daily routine to develop positive thinking and focus hard on your goals.

But Try Something New... Anything Is Better Than Nothing

Monday, March 4, 2013

Change Your Focus: Change Your Life

A key task of The Willow System is to help you identify and use your skills, abilities, and external resources (e.g. social networks). This process is to reassert your feeling of being a competent individual, but also aims to help you to identify new ways of bringing these resources to bear upon a problem. Identifying your own resources can be achieved through the use of scaling questions, problem-free talk, or exception-seeking.

Internal And External Resources
Your internal
resources are things like skills, strengths, qualities, beliefs that are useful to you and your capacities. Whereas external resources are supportive relationships such as partners, family, friends, faith or religious groups and also support groups.